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Jetveo Resorts - Task Workflow

Marketing and Promotion of Jetveo Resorts are an important part of the business. This is an app that establishes a workflow for the members of both departments to maintain projects.

This tutorial will show how to implement the following elements:

  • Automated Emails
  • Workflow
  • Kanban Board
  • In-house Communication
  • Attachments

• This text expects that the user has a basic understanding of the Jetveo Platform and App Builder (i.e., Boot Camp, Advanced Topics); therefore, basic steps have been omitted (e.g., Click Close; Save changes: Ctrl + S; select an icon).

• This tutorial relies heavily on screenshots as references for how the different pages should be established. Additional instructions are provided to emphasize significant information.

• The order of the instructions may be slightly different from the screenshots in the user interface because more recently created tabs are put at the top of the subsections. In other words, the Task entity is logically the first one to be created, but it will be listed under both Docs (which is used for Attachments) and Comment (which is used for the Comments section).

• Depending on the order of implementation of these instructions, error messages and warnings will be shown in the Status Bar at the bottom. They can be ignored until the subsequent steps fill in the appropriate connections.

Marketing and Publicity Task Workflow

1.0 DATA

1.1 Codebooks

Three codebooks will be established as the foundation for the app.

1.1.1 Task Importance

The Task Importance codebook will categorize the tasks and be shown in the Kanban dashboard presentation.

  • Name: Task Importance
  • Create Display Attribute: Name (i.e., default setting)
  • Codebook Entries (Code, Name):

1.1.2 Task Status

The Task Status codebook will be used to establish the steps of the Kanban dashboard.

  • Name: Task Status
  • Create Display Attribute: Name (i.e., default setting)
  • Codebook Entries (Code, Name):

1.1.3 Task Type

The Task Type codebook will be used to categorize tasks. This will be shown on the Kanban dashboard.

  • Name: Task Type
  • Create Display Attribute: Name (i.e., default setting)
  • Codebook Entries (Code, Name):
DESIGNGraphic Design
BLOGBlog Post
LPLanding Page
VIDEOMarketing Video
PRESENTATIONMarketing Presentation

1.2 Entities

Three entities will hold the data that will be necessary for the tasks and workflow of this app.

1.2.1 Task

Note that the “Dates” Inherited Aspects are described in the next section of this document.

Jetveo Resorts 1.2.1 Task Attributes

Set Name to: Task

User Interface
Set Display Icon to: Tasks

Automatic Actions
Set Create Display Attribute to: Title
On Step 2, verify that all of the User Interface pages are marked.

The list of the Attributes (with the Type). Click Add New Attribute:

Assigned ToUser
CommentsRich-text Markdown
Created ByUser
DescriptionRich-text Markdown
Requested ByUser

Set Created By to: (task, db, ctx) => ctx.User

References The list of References (with the Target). Click Add New Reference:

ReferenceTargetDefault Value
CodebookTask ImportanceInformation
CodebookTask StatusNew
CodebookTask TypeDesign

Note: The State Machine values will need to be updated later.

1.2.2 Doc

This entity will be used to gather the attachments that can be made to a task. Note that Doc will not require any Entity Pages; on the second step of the wizard, unselect the Create, Detail and List pages.

Jetveo Resorts 1.2.2 Doc Attributes

Set Name to: Doc

User Interface
Set Display Icon to: File Image

Automatic Actions
No Create Display Attribute is necessary.
On Step 2, unmark all of the pages in the Create Pages section.

The list of the Attributes (with the Type). Click Add New Attribute:

Created ByUser

References The list of References (with the Target). Click Add New Reference:


1.2.3 Comment

This entity will gather the comments within the Communication section of the individual tasks.

Jetveo Resorts 1.2.3 Comment Attributes

Set Name to: Comment

User Interface
Set Display Icon to: Comments (discussion, chat)

Automatic Actions
Set Create Display Attribute to: Text
On Step 2, verify that all of the User Interface pages are marked.

Attributes The list of the Attributes (with the Type). Click Add New Attribute:

Created DateDate and Time
Created ByUser

References The list of References (with the Target). Click Add New Reference:


1.3 Aspects

Jetveo Resorts 1.3 Shared Aspects

General Set Name to: Timestamp


Accepted DateDate and TimeMark Allow Null
Assigned DateDate and TimeMark Allow Null
Created DateDate and Time
Finished DateDate and TimeMark Allow Null
In Progress DateDate and TimeMark Allow Null
Requested DateDate and TimeMark Allow Null

For Created Date, set the Default Value:

(task, db, ctx) => DateTime.Now

Go back to each entity. Located Inherited Aspects and select: Timestamp


2.1 Share Views — Task View

JVR Shared View


  • Set Type to: Entity View
  • Set Name to: Task View
  • Set Entity to: Task

Select Data Fields and select the following:
First Column:

  • Title
  • Task Type
  • Assigned To
  • Importance
    Set Title and Assigned To so that they have validations to make the data required.

Second Column:

  • Requested By
  • Requested Date
  • Description

2.2 Entity Pages

2.2.1 Task Create

Establish the Task View shared view for the Task Create page.

JVR Task Create

2.2.2 Task Detail

The Task Detail page is a snapshot of information for the task. It is divided into three parts:

  • Task View shared view replicates the layout of the Task Create page;
  • Communication provides a space for staff members to post messages relevant to the task; and
  • Attachments allows for screenshots, documents and graphics to be attached to the task. Shared View

Establish the Task View shared view at the top of the Detail page.

JVR Detail Page Communication

Click Add View.

First Column: In Elements, select Comments

JVR Comment

The settings for the Communication are as follows:

JVR Comment

Second Column:

  • Created Date
  • Assigned Date
  • In Progress Date
  • Finished Date
  • Accepted Date

Click to Add Header will provide a title for the section (i.e., Communications). Attachments

Click Add View

In Elements, select Document List
JVR Document List

The settings for the Attachments are as follows: JVR Document List

Click to Add Header will provide a title for the section (i.e., Attachments).

2.2.3 Task List

The Task List page is displayed in a logical presentation so that it can easily be exported as and Excel document for a hard-copy format. General

JVR Task List Column

JVR Task List

  • Verify that Created Date has the Text Expression coding set to:
(task) => task.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString()+ " " + task.CreatedDate.ToShortTimeString()
  • And Verify that Created Date has the Custom Sort Expresion set to:
(task) => task.CreatedDate

2.3 Application Menu

Two links will be added to the horizonal top menu. JVR Application Menu

Add Entity Create Page that links to the Create page. Add List Page that links to the Task List page.

2.4 Dashboards — Task Overview

2.4.1 Basic Settings

The main user interface element of this Task App is the Kanban board. Set Name to: Task Overview JVR Task Overview Dashboard

In Elements, select Kanban Board

2.3.2 Kanban Setup

Kanban is a system for moving tasks through regular steps. It provides an overview for the process and transparency for everyone who is involved.

JVR Task Overview Dashboard

A significant amount of coding is required to define how the items will appear within the Kanban board.

  • Items Data Source Expression will add the initials (or an icon) for the user who either created the task or to whom the task was assigned:
(_, db, ctx) => db.TaskSet.Where(t => t.CreatedBy == ctx.User || t.AssignedTo == ctx.User || t.RequestedBy == ctx.User)
  • Item Label Expression will show the Title of the task and the person who created it:
(item) => item.Title + " from " + item.RequestedBy.Name

Item Description Expression will show the Task Type and the text that was provided as the Description.

(item) => item.TaskType.Name + "\n\n" + item.Description

Item Visuals Expression will add icons and color that change as the task moves across the Kanban board. It also adds text to emphasize the importance of tasks:

(item, db, ctx, visuals) =>
if (item.AssignedTo != null)
visuals.AddUserAvatar(item.AssignedTo, "Assigned Owner");

if (item.TaskImportance == TaskImportance.CRITICAL)
visuals.AddTag(new Kanban.Tag("Priority", Kanban.TagStyle.Danger));

if (item.RequestedDate <= DateTime.Today && (item.TaskStatus == TaskStatus.NEW || item.TaskStatus == TaskStatus.ONGOING))


3.1 State Machines

There are only four steps in the workflow that will define the movement of tasks through the Kanban board. The main workflow will be named “Status” and it will be based upon the TaskStatus codebook.

JVR State Machine

Additional information should be provided to transitions:

Set Transition Handler to:

(task, db, ctx) =>
task.AcceptedDate = DateTime.Now;

Set Is Applicable to:

(task, db, ctx) => task.RequestedBy == ctx.User || task.CreatedBy == ctx.User

Set Transition Handler to:

(task, db, ctx) =>
task.InProgressDate = DateTime.Now;

Set Is Applicable to:

(task, db, ctx) => task.AssignedTo == ctx.User  

Coding will be added for Transition Handler and Is Applicable as part of 6.0 Email Notification.

State Extras
This section will be added as part of the 6.0 Email Notification


A logo or image needs to be uploaded to be made available for use on the User Interface. In Resources, click Add Resource and select: Add Image Resource

On the Package Settings page, after the image has been uploaded, click Application Logo and select the logo from the drop-down menu.


5.1 Security Claims

This internal app will have only a simple Security Claim. User access can be defined to specific levels.

JVR Security Claims


There are several steps that are involved with establishing automated emails to be connected to this app.

6.1 Config > App Features — Email Notifications

First you need to establish the configurations that will establish the email communication. Go to Config > App Features. Create a new page.

  • Set Name to: Email Notifications

Add the following Config Items (i.e., click Add Config Item):

  • Name: SMTP Server
    Set Value Type to: Text
    Set Default Value to: TBD
  • Name: SMTP Port
    Set Type to: Number
    Set Default value to: 587
  • ‘Name’: SMTP Login
    Set Type to: Text
    Set Default value to: TBD
  • Name: SMTP Password
    Set Type to: Text
    Set Default value to: TBD
  • Name: SMTP Email
    Set Type to: Text
    Set Default value to: TBD

6.2 Config > Package > Resources

Move to the top of the Config subsection. Under Package, click Resources. Click Add Resource.

Select “Add NuGet Packages Assembly Resource”

Search for MailKit.
Click Add Package.

JVR Email Settings

6.3 Custom Code > Templates — Establish the text for the email

Go to Code > Templates. Create a new page.

Name of Template: Text For Email
Template Code Language: Html
Model Type: Entity
Entity: Task

NOTE: The email requires a user to have the Task assigned to them; otherwise it will fail.



<td>Task Assigned</td>
<td>Hi @Model.AssignedTo.Name ,</td>
<td>Task "@Model.Title" has been assigned to you.</td>


Note: Assigned To is used in the template text below. It may need to be added as an attribute for the Task entity to establish the user to whom the email will be sent.

6.4 Code > Custom Code — SmtpMailer

Go to Code > Custom Code. Create a new page.
Set Name of file to: StmpMailer

Copy the following:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using MailKit.Net.Smtp;
using MimeKit;
using MimeKit.Text;

internal class SmtpMailer
private readonly bool isEnabled;
private readonly string smtpServer;
private readonly int smtpPort;
private readonly string account;
private readonly string password;
private readonly string sender;

public static readonly SmtpMailer Default = new SmtpMailer(

public SmtpMailer(string smtpServer, int smtpPort, string account, string password, string sender) : this(true, smtpServer, smtpPort, account, password, sender)


private SmtpMailer(bool isEnabled, string smtpServer, int smtpPort, string account, string password, string sender)
this.isEnabled = isEnabled;
this.smtpServer = smtpServer;
this.smtpPort = smtpPort;
this.account = account;
this.password = password;
this.sender = sender;

public void SendEmail(string recipient, string subject, string content)
SendInternal(new [ ] { recipient }, subject, content, false);

public void SendHtmlEmail(string recipient, string subject, string htmlContent)
SendInternal(new [ ] { recipient }, subject, htmlContent, true);

public void SendMassEmail(IEnumerable<string> recipients, string subject, string content)
SendInternal(recipients, subject, content, false);

public void SendMassHtmlEmail(IEnumerable<string> recipients, string subject, string htmlContent)
SendInternal(recipients, subject, htmlContent, true);

private void SendInternal(IEnumerable<string> recipients, string subject, string content, bool isHtml)
if (!this.isEnabled)

using(var client = new SmtpClient())
var message = new MimeMessage();
foreach(var recipient in recipients)

message.Subject = subject;

var bodyFormat = isHtml ? TextFormat.Html : TextFormat.Plain;
message.Body = new TextPart(bodyFormat) { Text = content };

client.Connect(smtpServer, smtpPort);
client.Authenticate(new System.Net.NetworkCredential(account, password));

6.5 Business > Commands — Mail Assigned Person

Go to Business > Commands. Create a new page.
Name: Main Assigned Person
Set Type to: Entity Command
Set Entity to: Task

(task, db, ctx) =>
var content = App.Templates.TextForEmail.Render(task);
var subject = "Task Assigned";
var mail = task.AssignedTo.Email;

//this renders a template with task its called on
//this sends email
SmtpMailer.Default.SendHtmlEmail(mail, subject, content);

JVR Business Command

6.6 Update the Task Detail page

Go to UI > Entity Pages and double-click Task Detail

  • At the top of the Layout section, click Add Action
  • Set Type to: Executive Entity Command
  • Set Entity Command to: MainAssignedPerson
  • In the UI section, set Button Label to: Send Email`
  • Set Icon to: Envelope

6.7 Create a Production instance

After you release the app, there are some adjustments that need to be made on the instance settings. Emails can be sent through a Development instance; however, it is probably better to establish it on the Production instance in order to send an email to actual users.

For this reason, it would be best to create a Production Instance and then apply the settings for Step 9.

Go to the App Overview.

  • Click Settings
  • Click the Features tab
  • Mark Email Notifications
  • Click Configure

Input the following information (i.e. click Change) according to your email server:
SMTP Server: TBD
SMTP Port: 587 (This should already be established.)
SMTP Password: TBD