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The text of an app can be quickly translated to different language. English, Czech and German are currently available.

The language of the application is determined by app users browser preferences. If the preferred language is not available, the application uses it's default language.

Select the language in which the app was created. Click Add language. The drop-down menu has the available languages into which the original text can be translated.

Two tabs will appear to show the strings used in the app: User Interface and Codebooks. Each shows a column of strings for the original language and a column with empty fields for the new language. Add the translations.

To get started it is possible to use online translators. We suggest DeepL. Click Copy next to the name of the original language, paste it into the translator, copy the result, click the first field of the translation, and paste.

Custom translations

Custom translations let you create translated strings that are then accessible in code through App.Translations.MyCustomTranslation.

This is very useful for translating strings in different custom label expressions, notification boxes and more.
