(19) Translations
- Support Ticket Tutorial -
1. Create Multilingual Versions of the App
Apps can quickly be translated into different languages to match the user’s browser settings.
- Close all of the tabs in the App Builder
- Go to Config. At the top of the sidebar, click
- Select the language in which the app was written. Choose from: English, Czech and German.
There are three different sections for translations: User Interface, Codebooks and Custom Translations.
User Interface
- On the top line, to the right of the language, click the
icon - Locate
(+) Add Language
in the upper right - Select the language into which the source language should be translated
— - Open a new web browser tab and type: deepl.com
- Paste the original text into the leftside box, which is labeled “Detect Language”
- Change the rightside box to the language you chose in the App Builder
- Click on the translated text. Type
Ctrl + A
. And copy -Ctrl + C
- all of the translated text - Return to the Jetveo translations interface
— - Click the top data box
- Paste -
Ctrl + V
- the translated text - Spot-check the translations to make sure that unique words are translated correctly
- Repeat the process for Codebooks.
- Click
Custom translations
- Click
(+) Add translation
- Set
Translated text
to: Support Tcikets - Set
to: Dashboard Notification Box
— - Click
(+) Add translation
- Set
Translated text
to: New Tickets - Set
to: Dashboard Notification Box
— - Click
(+) Add translation
- Set
Translated text
to: Tickets In Progress - Set
to: Dashboard Notification Box
— - Click
(+) Add translation
- Set
Translated text
to: Closed Tickets - Set
to: Dashboard Notification Box
— - Click
(+) Add translation
- Set
Translated text
to: We have {0} pending criticial issues- {0} will be replaced by the number of pending critical tickets. (Don't forget to put it also to the traslated text.)
- Set
to: Dashboard Notification Box
— - Click
(+) Add translation
- Set
Translated text
to: There are no pending critical issues - Set
to: Dashboard Notification Box
— - On the top line, to the right of the language, click the
— - Open a new web browser tab and type: deepl.com
- Paste the original text into the leftside box, which is labeled “Detect Language”
- Change the rightside box to the language you chose in the App Builder
- Click on the translated text. Type
Ctrl + A
. And copy -Ctrl + C
- all of the translated text - Return to the Jetveo translations interface
— - Click the top data box
- Paste -
Ctrl + V
- the translated text - Spot-check the translations to make sure that unique words are translated correctly
- Click
The language of the online version of the app will match the settings of the web browser. For example, if Czech is the main language selected in the Settings, then the Czech version will be shown. Otherwise, the default version (i.e., the language in which the app was created, will be shown). The app can be provided in all of languages at the same time.
2. Update The Notification Box on Dashboard
- Go to UI > Dashboards
- Double-click
Support Ticket Dashboard
- On the
Page Layout
click the Notification Box - Change
(_, db, ctx) => App.Translations.Dashboard_Notification_Box.SupportTickets
- Change
(_, db, ctx) =>
"**" + App.Translations.Dashboard_Notification_Box.NewTickets + ":** " + db.TicketSet.Count(t => t.TicketStatus == TicketStatus.NEW) +
"\n\n **" + App.Translations.Dashboard_Notification_Box.TicketsInProgress + ":** " + db.TicketSet.Count(t => t.TicketStatus == TicketStatus.IN_PROGRESS) +
"\n\n **" + App.Translations.Dashboard_Notification_Box.ClosedTickets + ":** " + db.TicketSet.Count(t => t.TicketStatus == TicketStatus.CLOSED) +
"\n\n " + (db.TicketSet.Any(t => t.TicketStatus != TicketStatus.CLOSED && t.TicketSeverity == TicketSeverity.CRITICAL) ?
String.Format(App.Translations.Dashboard_Notification_Box.WeHavePendingCriticialIssues, db.TicketSet
.Where(t => t.TicketStatus != TicketStatus.CLOSED && t.TicketSeverity == TicketSeverity.CRITICAL).Count()) + "!" :
App.Translations.Dashboard_Notification_Box.ThereAreNoPendingCriticalIssues + ". 🙂")
- Click
- Click
- Save:
Ctrl + S