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Commands APIs

Lets you define REST API Services for your application.

First, create a Custom Command that will serve as a source of returned data.

If you want to return Entities, select Data grid report as result of the command. If you want to return files, select Document as a result.

Create attributes in the Command Model that will serve as parameters for your fetch requests.

Next, go back to REST API Services and click on Add service button:


  • API Type – Command or User authentication
  • Command to be invoked – Command which will be executed on a request to API. Only commands of type Custom command can be used in API.
  • Model mapping mode – You can choose from two modes:
    • JSON Deserialization – the request's body, formatted as JSON text, is deserialized into an object, and its properties are subsequently mapped to the command model's properties
    • Raw String Pass-through – the request's body is passed directly as a string to a specified attribute on the command model


  • Service name – Name of the API service
  • Service URL – Url on which the API will listen for incoming requests.
  • Authentication – Authentication schema for the API
  • Allowed technical users – A Technical user who will act as invoker of executed commands. Each technical user with assigned REST API Services will have their own API KEY in every application instance.
