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Notification Box

A simple notification box that lets you show a message to App users. Allows for rendering a Markdown template.

  • Title - a bold text on top of the notification box
  • Content - the body of the notification box. Input a string or render a template:App.Templates.MyMarkdownTemplate.Render(model)
  • Visible expression - an expression that needs to return true for the notification box to be visible
  • Type - a visual style of the notification box
  • Image - lets you choose an image from application resources that will show on the left side of the notification box

Text formatting

You can use Markdown to format the text in notification box (both in the Title and Content).

If you want to include a link in the notification box, enclose the link text in brackets and then follow it immediately with the URL in parentheses.

(_, db, ctx) => "[Jetveo]("

You can also open the link in a new tab:

(_, db, ctx) => "[Jetveo]({target=\"_blank\"}"

Bold, italic

If you want to bold part of the text, enclose it in double asterisks:

(_, db, ctx) => "I want **this part of the text to be bold**."

To italicize part of the text, enclose it with an asterisk:

(_, db, ctx) => "I want *this part of the text to be italic*."

If you would like the text to be in bold italics, do it like this:

(_, db, ctx) => "This is **bold**, this is *italic* and this is ***bold and italic*** at the same time."

New line

You can have multiple lines of text in the notification box. Type \n\n at the end of the line:

(_, db, ctx) => "This is the first line.\n\nThis is the second line."


It is also possible to change the color of the text.

Change the color of the entire text to red like this:

(_, db, ctx) => "I want this sentence to be red.{: style=\"color: red\"}"

If you want to change the colour of only part of the text you have to bold or italicize it:

(_, db, ctx) => "I want this **word**{: style=\"color: blue\"} to be blue."