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Database technical details

The database used for storing application data is SQLite.

Entity framework

Jetveo uses Entity Framework as a layer above the SQLite database. It provides an abstraction, that enables us to work with different databases in the same manner. If you want to use a different database than SQLite, please contact us at



Integers are stored as 64-bit numbers.

The valid range is: [-9,223,372,036,854,775,808, 9,223,372,036,854,775,807]

Assigning an out-of-range number throws an exception.


The Decimal type is also represented as a 64-bit integer, shifted by 5 decimal places, meaning you can represent only 5 decimal places. Any additional decimal places will be truncated when saved to the database.

Objects in code can have more than 5 decimal places, but only during their lifetime.

The valid range is: [-92 233 720 368 547.75808, 92 233 720 368 547.75807]

Assigning an out-of-range number throws an exception.

Numbers within this range are exact.

Floating point numbers

Jetveo does not use Floating-Point numbers in the database