(20) CSV Import
- Support Ticket Tutorial -
Moving Data into the App
This tutorial will enable the user to import the title of a Ticket, a Description, and the Ticket Severity from a CSV file. The data for those attributes will be added to the Ticket entity and displayed.
1. Install CsvHelper
- Go to Config > Resources.
- Click Add resource > Add NuGet package assembly resource.
- Enter CsvHelper and add it to your app.
2. Establish CSVImporter
- Go to Code > Custom Code.
- Click
- Set
Name of class or interface
to: CsvImporter. - Click
- Copy and paste the following code:
Click to expand the code block
public class CsvImporter
public static IEnumerable<T> ImportData<T>(IDocument document, Encoding encoding = null, CsvHelper.Configuration.ClassMap classMap = null)
if (!document.HasAnyRevision())
return Enumerable.Empty<T>();
using(var stream = new MemoryStream(document.GetLatestRevision().Content))
using(var reader = new StreamReader(stream, encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8))
using(var csvHelper = new CsvHelper.CsvReader(reader, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US")))
if (classMap != null)
return csvHelper.GetRecords<T>().ToList();
3. Establish TicketImporter
This step will take data from a three-column csv spreadsheet. Each row will represent a new record for the Ticket Entity.
- Create another Custom Code (on Code > Custom Code). Name the new file: TicketImporter.
- Copy and paste the following code:
Click to expand the code block
public class TicketImporter
public string Title
public string Description
public string TicketSeverity
4. Create a Custom Command
A Custom Command will need to be established to import the csv file into the app.
- Go to Business > Commands
- Click
- Set
to: Import - Verify that
is set to Custom Command - Verify that
is set to None - Click Finish
There are four tabs on the Commands page.
- Go to the
tab. - In the Attributes section, click
Add Attribute
. - Set
to CSV Sheet - Set
to: Document - Click
- Go to the
tab. - In the Data Fields section, select CSVSheet (Document) to be placed on the Page Layout
- Go to the
tab. - Copy and paste the following:
Click to expand the code block
Click to expand the code block
(model, db, ctx) =>
var numberFormat = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo() { NumberDecimalSeparator = "." };
import = CsvImporter.ImportData<TicketImporter>(model.CSVSheet);
// this will serve as a row counter during import
var row = 0;
foreach(var i in
db.TicketSet.Add(new Ticket()
Title = i.Title,
Description = i.Description,
CreatedBy = ctx.User,
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
TicketSeverity = TicketSeverity.AllEntries.Single(s => s.Code == i.TicketSeverity.Trim())
5. Establish a Connection to the Command
The User Interface needs access to the upload feature. This can be through an Action Button on the Dashboard or a Detail Page.
- Go to UI > Dashboard.
- Double-click Support Ticket Dashboard
- Click
(+) Add Action
- Set
to: Link Custom Command Page - Set
Custom Command
to: Import - Change
Button Label
to: CSV Import - Click
6. Import Data
- Release the app.
- Go to the App Overview. Update the app and open the instance to access the end app.
- Download the following csv file: https://dev.jetveo.io/data/SupportTicket-AdvancedTopics-CSVUpload.csv .
- Click "CSV Import" on Dashboard and upload the csv file to verify that the data flows into the app.