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(17) Components – Notification Box

- Support Ticket Tutorial -

This Advanced Topic will add information about Support Tickets across the top of the Dashboard.

1. Go to the Dashboard

  • Go to UI > Dashboard.
  • Click Support Ticket Dashboard

2. Establish the Text to be Shown

  • Go to Simple Components, select Notification Box
  • Click the Notification Box
  • Mark Title. Click in the box. Then, enter: “Support Tickets:”
  • Mark Content. Click in the box. Here is an example of basic text that can be adjusted as necessary:
(_, db, ctx) =>
"**New Tickets:** " + db.TicketSet.Count(t => t.TicketStatus == TicketStatus.NEW) +
"\n\n **Tickets In Progress:** " + db.TicketSet.Count(t => t.TicketStatus == TicketStatus.IN_PROGRESS) +
"\n\n **Closed Tickets:** " + db.TicketSet.Count(t => t.TicketStatus == TicketStatus.CLOSED) +
"\n\n " + (db.TicketSet.Any(t => t.TicketStatus != TicketStatus.CLOSED && t.TicketSeverity == TicketSeverity.CRITICAL) ?
"**We have some pending criticial issues!**" :
"**There are no pending critical issues. :)**")
  • For Type, select from Simple (grey), Info (blue), Warning (orange), and Error (red).
  • If you would like to add an image, set it in Image. Note: The image needs to have been added in Config > Resources in order to be made available here.

3. Deploy and Run the App